Salesforce has also made public its own COVID-19 Response playbook that lays out a clear process and roadmap for business leaders to reference in making important choices in preparation for this new way in which organizations will be operating within. Leveraging a robust collective of insights, this guide is intended to allow those managing this difficult terrain a mechanism for which they can plan for the now, and the tomorrow -- on a long, and short term basis. In further providing free tools and support for ninety days, the company is helping businesses prepare for managing their customer base, workforce, stakeholders, and the community. Proposed for any size of company, their Salesforce Care offerings come with live sessions to help with onboarding along with providing key resources and support for new customers.
Among the most important components in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak lies on the contingency of high frequency testing capabilities within communities. UiPath has further paved the way in making high volume coronavirus testing possible. Partnering with the Cleveland Clinic, the company has provided a way for organizations who have been approved for testing by the Centers for Disease Control to be able to handle the unrivaled quantity in which tests must be processed. With approved facilities quickly drawing immense crowds upon opening, insurmountable manual effort is required in order to register and track patient test kits. These efforts along with the inherent time intensive nature of the task at hand, were resulting in an average wait time of six hours for testing. As one of the most sizable hospitals in the United States, the Cleveland Clinic was able to leverage UiPath’s solution to build and deploy a robot within a matter of two days that could help in intaking patients’ data to cross reference membership within an existing database to facilitate registration and to then select the appropriate destination for printing the required label. This process, leveraged by a UiPath robot, reduced the time required to process by nearly 90%
Similar to UiPath, ServiceNow’s NOW platform is also playing a key role, in fueling the fight against COVID-19. ServiceNow partners and customers alike are creating digital workflows to help supply emergency response service. In one example, Los Angeles, California deployed a portal to underpin its coronavirus testing process, which also allows drivers to pull up, get tested, and go. Within a matter of just forty eight hours, the city began testing with over sixteen million LA residents who can now make appointments, select a location for testing, in addition to check their symptoms. Further up in Northern California, San Francisco County has also utilized the NOW Platform to fight the pandemic by way of both the apps for Self Report and Emergency Exposure Management to provide crucial resources to administrators who evaluate and oversee preparedness for essential service deployment with respect to policing and health care response.